Portrait: Children With Pet

portrait: children & with pet

Yes, I also do formal photography work

Black & White: Looking Out Over the Bay

Looking out over the bay during – Prince Rupert, British Columbia.

looking out over the bay

Ah, but it feels good to process in black & white again 🙂


You know …. that thing that keeps ya from posting on yer blog sometimes, mines been full and somewhat hectic of late.

My son and his family were down for a bit last week, people like me use the phrase “down for a bit” to describe a visit from people who live up north. His youngest daughter celebrated her 2nd birthday while they were here and I was able to get a bunch of pictures from her party Friday afternoon.

The birthday girl

People keep telling me that my images of people are “too close” and they don’t get a lot of context so here’s the context – it was taken at her birthday party, there were many of her little cousins in attendance, they had a blast playing, and then ate cake 🙂

The Canadians in the readership know that our government announced major cutbacks and downsizing in their recent budget – many thousands and thousands of government employees found themselves unemployed, many thousands of others who were not employed by the government also found themselves unemployed as a result of funding cuts to NGO’s. Aboriginal NGO’s have been hit particularily hard, some (myself included), would say that they were specfically targeted, and I found myself unemployed as of 3:00PM Monday afternoon.

Many have described themselves as “victims” of the budget cuts, I consider myself as having been liberated. I’ve wondered for a while whether or not I could do anything with my photography and now I have been given the opportunity to find out …. as was suggested by a very special friend a few days ago it’s probably the universe giving me a gentle nudge in the direction it thinks I should be going.

Friday morning me and the camera are jumping on a plane and heading for British Columbia to do some shooting in Vancouver – I’m hoping to spend some time in the downtown eastside doing some street photography – the reviews say “don’t go there“, so that’s where I’m going. Then it’s off to Prince Rupert for a few days with at least one urbex shoot in the planning, followed by, with any luck, a trip to Haida Gwaii.

After I come back there will be the inveitable hours and hours of post-click processing to do, I’ll start planning for a series of images I want to shoot of each lock in the Rideau Canal system, and I’ll also be trying to figure out what would make good subject material for a shoot in Iqaluit, Nunavut, where I’m headed a couple of weeks after I get back from British Columbia.

So basically, if you see nothing here for a while it means that me and the camera are still gone – but we will return, and there will be images of where we’ve been.

He Played The Blues

I had the pleasure of hearing and shooting Inuvialuit/Gwich’in blues man Dennis Allen at the Tungasuvvingat Inuit spring equinox celebration here in Ottawa yesterday afternoon.

blues man

In case you’re wondering, he put on an awesome show.